Rainbow Six Vegas 2: Pyrenees Coop

Streamed live from http://twitch.tv/bertiebaggio with Costello.

We got R6V2 in a recent sale for £Cheap. What with custom downloaders, Tages, unskippable splash screens and the like I thought I had wasted my money, as the modern iterations depart from previous R6 games and are more ‘arcadey’ as a result.

However, once I saw how funny the bugs are, I knew it was worth it 😀

0:01 And we start with the sounds… of enthusiasm
1:15 More enthusiasm
3:15 Dat campy run tho
3:45 Whose voice is that?! Oh, right…
4:45 Stealthy
5:30 “Oh I just threw a grenade”
8:45 “I guess it’s nothing…” *dies*
14:00 Turr’sts with no peripheral vision
16:00 Stealthy approach
18:45 Time to play dress-up!
24:00 “I hope I didn’t just kill a blind person…”
29:15 The art of bomb disposal mime
34:30 Introducing… THE NINJA
37:15 Ladder technique
41:00 Dat blindfire tho
44:30 Collateral damage
53:15 Chivalry Six: Rainbow Warrior?
54:30 Expert grenade badge unlocked

Company of Heroes: Lyon 2VsAI Medium

Streamed from http://twitch.tv/bertiebaggio with Costello – a quick win for the Allies on Lyon- though we were on medium difficulty after all!

Just as well the difficulty was what it was- some quite rusty play- I couldn’t remember any hotkeys, and pretty much relied on riflespam to capture and hold territory.

9:00 Sneaky Kettenkrad!
11:00 Rifle squad Vs Pios + Panzer Grenadiers
12:00 Infantry detonating mines
15:00 Enemy medics revive a squad in my face
19:00 Hold still while I grenade you a couple of times from cover
23:30 Are those rockets that I see?
25:00 “They have Hetzers out… I suspect that’s not going to be an issue at this point.”