First Person Mode In Alien Swarm (And Other Cool Stuff)

Try this:
alias FPS "firstperson; asw_hide_marine 1; asw_controls 0"
bind "v""fps"

Then use v to go first-person. I’ll let you all figure out the reversal to third person.

Some other cool stuff: the tile generator and it’s interactions with Hammer. See the Valve developer wiki (here) Seriously cool stuff. Procedural level generation? Yes please!

You can also enable the Director, although it has a tendency to kill you horribly by default (see

I’ve actually got an idea that I’ve been toying with that Alien Swarm’s tools make a helluva lot easier. Will fill in anyone who is interested…


tbh, you lot should get this so I don’t have to run the risk of being stuck with singing American teenagers or people who haven’t got a clue which end of their medi-guns they should be pointing where.

EDIT: WordPress weirded out a bit. Suspect I have to save the images as JPEGs for it not to throw a hissy fit. Will re-do it at some point.

Video Series 10: FEAR – Stolen

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Since it’s the 10th edition of the video series, I thought I’d upload an old favourite. Here I steal two kills from ksyme99 by shooting him in the back. No further explanation needed.

Video Series 9: Crossing the Channel

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Trying to get an AI-controlled squad member across a short stretch of water can be very tricky in Operation Flashpoint Dragon Rising. First time around he wouldn’t disembark from the boat, second time he just really seemed to enjoy swimming.

Video Series 8: CSS Counter-Swim

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A little bug in Counter-Strike wherein you spawn in the floor. Well, it seems like that, but apparently it’s only your viewport that’s in the floor. It is still unknown what the trigger is; it seems to happen randomly.